Julie Harwell, RN, BSN is hosting a free webinar series through our Childbirth & Family Education Program at Kittitas Valley Healthcare. The most recent webinar titled “Creating Meaningful Learning Communities: How Covid has helped us to Reimagine Possibilities in Education” details how one local school adapted to the COVID-19 restrictions and found opportunities for resilience and growth in the classroom and our community.
“The Covid-19 Pandemic brought about many changes in the way we as a society approach school. In addition to the challenges, the past year brought many opportunities for us to reflect on education and how we can best support engagement in learning for children. We found great value in more outdoor education, multi-age groups, parent partnerships in learning, and extending the walls of the classroom to include more community places and partners. This year illustrated the great potential we have to provide meaningful learning experiences for our children when families, children, schools and community members work together.”
Webinar presenter Natalia Parker, a founder of and the current Director at Discovery Lab of Ellensburg, has worked with children and families in varying capacities for the past 20 years. After graduating with degrees in Psychology and Infant Mental Health, Natalia worked in various roles educating and supporting caregivers, children and students in grades Kindergarten through Post-Secondary. Currently, in her role at Discovery Lab she works to support meaningful and engaging teaching and learning practices that best support healthy child development. When she isn’t at work she loves to be outside exploring the beautiful area we live in.
Check out our website to learn more about the KVH Childbirth & Family Education Program.