Educational Opportunities
Clerkship, EXTERNSHIPS, internships, job shadows, practicum, and clinical rotations

About Educational Opportunities at KVH
Ready to take your learning to the next level? KVH offers outstanding, personalized training to prepare the future healthcare workforce.
Looking for an Educational Opportunity at KVH?
KVH approves a limited number of Job Shadows and clinical training experiences. If you are interested in being considered please complete the form below.
All educational opportunities excluding job shadows require an affiliation agreement between the school and Kittitas Valley Healthcare. Kittitas Valley Healthcare is currently not accepting new affiliation agreements. Potential students who wish to complete clinical training at Kittitas Valley Healthcare are encouraged to consider schools where Kittitas Valley Healthcare currently has an affiliation agreement:
Clerkship – a course of clinical medical training in a specialty that usually lasts a minimum of several weeks and takes place during the third of fourth week of medical school.
Externship – an opportunity to learn what working as a Medical Assistant is really like and practice the skills you learned under close supervision.
Internship – a period of work experience offered by an organization for a limited period of time. An intern provides hands-on experience through the completion of tasks and responsibilities.
Job Shadow – an opportunity to observe experience staff and gain a better understanding of the role. Minimal tasks may be assigned. Job shadows are limited in duration to 40 hours or less. A Job shadow is a professional experience and job shadow students are expected to dress and act professionally.
Practicum – an extension of students’ classroom experience; its purpose is observation and learning but in a real-world work environment rather than a classroom.
Clinical Rotation – time students spend as members of a medical team so they can learn what is involved with each medical specialty. Sometimes referred to as clinicals or rotations. During clinical rotations students develop and implement foundational skills and knowledge for their future clinical practice.
Interest Form