Your thoughtful donation is a time-honored tribute that will work to improve the facilities and care for patients close to home. Gifts can be designated to a specific area in the hospital, to one of our clinics or specialty centers or to the area of greatest need. However big or small, every donation matters.
Donations to The Foundation at KVH ensure that our community will continue to have the best facilities, equipment and programs available, now and in the future. The Foundation accepts gifts of cash, stocks, tribute, memorial and planned gifts. Your tax-deductible donation will be used for the sole benefit of Kittitas Valley Healthcare.
Leave a Footprint. You can support Kittitas Valley Healthcare for years to come through a bequest in your Will or a gift of securities. Anyone with the desire to give has the ability to leave your footprint in the community. It does not require great wealth. It only requires gift planning. For more information on Planned Gifts please visit our Planned Giving Page.