KVH Hospital is home to one of the most advanced pulmonary function test (PFT) labs in Washington State and our Respiratory Therapists will ensure that patients provide the maximal effort needed to ensure complete disease specific data is obtained and reported to you ordering provider.
What is a Pulmonary Function Test?
PFT testing is ordered by your physician or provider. The data obtained will be used to diagnose pulmonary (lung) disease, track the progress of disease, identify if a patient’s symptoms are pulmonary related, and evaluate the effectiveness of prescribed medications.
How to Prepare
If your doctor orders a PFT and you are currently taking breathing treatments, please do not take these medications four hours before testing is scheduled.
What to Expect
Allow approximately one hour for testing.
The PFT test measures how air flows in and out of your lungs using a variety of very specific breathing maneuvers. Patients must be prepared to provide a maximal effort with testing. Testing is performed with the patient seated in a specially designed booth. If indicated Albuterol, a bronchodilator, will be used as part of the PFT test. Albuterol is used relax muscles in the airways and increase air flow in and out of the lungs. Pre and Post measurements will be obtained if Albuterol is indicated. Some disease states require additional testing to measure diffusion capacity (the rate at which your lungs diffuse oxygen into your blood stream), and Lung Volumes which measures the volume of air in the lungs during different phases of breathing.