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National Doctors’ Day

March 30, 2022 All day

In honor of National Doctors’ Day 2022, all of us at KVH want to give a huge THANK YOU to our physicians. We recognize their outstanding dedication, sacrifice, and tireless contributions to our community. #nationaldoctorsday

Show Your Appreciation

This year for National Doctors’ Day, let’s show our physicians some love! Send a personal note of thanks to a provider by emailing doctorsday@kvhealthcare.org or using the contact form below, and we’ll make sure they receive the message!

Doctor’s Name
Your Name
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History of Doctors’ Day

National Doctors’ Day is held every March 30th to celebrate physicians’ who serve our communities.

  • March 30th, 1933 / First observed in Georgia. Eudora Brown Almond, the wife of Dr. Charles B. Almond, decided to set aside a day to honor physicians. 
  • March 30th, 1958 / Resolution Commemorating Doctors’ Day was adopted by the United States House of Representatives.
  • February 21st, 1991 / President George H.W. Bush proclaimed National Doctors Day.